A basic guide to smart home ideas

by Richard Powers 05/05/2024

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Smart home technology has delighted many recently. Life can be hectic with so much to do daily. Adding in smart home devices helps you complete tasks efficiently and effectively. This article provides a great guide to smart home ideas to make your daily life easier. 

Use smart outlets

Do you have older electronics? Adding smart plugs helps to get them in sync with your cellular device. Once you plug the smart plug into an outlet, connect your device. Apps connected to the smart plug can examine the energy output. This helps you to save money on your energy bill. These apps can also control your smart devices. 

Amp up your smart entertainment 

Sitting down after a long day with friends to watch your favorite shows can be a blast! Enhance this experience by adding smart speakers and a smart TV. Smart TVs can stream shows and movies through downloaded apps on the device. These apps can be controlled from your mobile device. Smart speakers can receive simple voice commands, enhancing the sound of your shows. 

Communicate with your home

You can communicate with your house to increase security. Add a smart lock to your home. Even if you’re out of the house, you can check the lock directly from an app on your phone. 

Smart technology is convenient and fun. Knowing your daily needs can help in choosing the right devices to add to your home. Check out your local electronics store for great info on your next smart device.

About the Author

Richard Powers

 Born and raised in Lynn, Massachusetts, Richard has been a successful Real Estate Agent, specializing in the Greater Lynn area for 28 years.  He was awarded the prestigious Centurion Award for 19 years in honor of his outstanding number of listings and sales and was the recipient of numerous Diamond Awards for exceptional sales and service.
In his spare time, Rich enjoys golfing, hiking with his dogs and practicing Karate, in which he holds a second-degree black belt.  He also enjoys volunteering for various animal rescue groups with his wife of 33 years and is especially dedicated to supporting Faithful Companions, a local non-profit group that helps families in need receive life saving veterinary treatment for their cherished pets.
The next time you need an experienced Real Estate Agent, be sure to give Rich a call.  His professionalism and knowledge of the Real Estate Industry are unrivaled.